Welcome A Birthday Card in May to the VV family!
A Birthday Card in May is the poetry collection that understands why you’ve woken up hungover and regretful on January 2nd. This is the poetry collection that knows what it was like to be thirteen-going-on-grown-up.
A Birthday Card in May is all about the days and years of becoming, and everything that is beautiful, terrifying, and difficult about them.
The collection is filled with gorgeous metaphors, beautiful full-page images, and deeply relatable pieces about what any year and every year is like.
This stunning collection was written by 22-year-old, University of Pretoria student Caitlin Anne Tallack (Instagram: @caitlineannetallack) and she’s a Varsity Vibe member – just like you!
To celebrate everything that is special about people just like you, we’re bringing you her book with 25% OFF! Check it out this festive season as the perfect Christmas gift, from us to you.