Nakedi Malesa

I love playing sports, I play netball for my residence and touch rugby (my favourite sport) for Eastern Touch Association. I’m also a referee. If it were not for corona, I would have been training to ref the Inter-provincial Touch rugby tournament, which happens every year in September. I’m an ambitious person and one day, I would love to represent South Africa as both a player and referee. My ideal way of spending my weekends, is relaxing from the week that I spent on doing school work, go out with my friends for happy hour at Cocoa Wah Wah or even spend my weekend in my room, catching up on all my fave series. I train on Sundays, so I make sure that I do anything and everything on Fridays and Saturdays so I can spend Sunday dedicated to either playing touch or netball, depending on the season. What makes me unique are my interests and the type of person that I am. I love dressing up, it’s always fashion week for me whenever I go to school or even out. I love putting clothes together and because of my sense of style, people get shocked when I tell them that I’m an engineering student. I’m an extrovert that loves to be around people, I love talking. I am such a colorful person, so people will always feel my presence. I am sweet, kind, loving and just enjoy living. Which is why I really miss life before corona, because being around people helps me with being myself more.
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  • University: UCT
  • Res: Graça Machel Hall