Earn R40 for every student you successfully recruit to Varsity Vibe
How it works
1 – Download the Varsity Vibe App (available on Google Play and Apple App stores) and Join. 2 – Know your Ref Code:
It’s the 6 digit code on your “My Profile” screen.
3 – Start recruiting and earning!How do I recruit:
1) Invite possible members via your App: In the App, go to the Menu and tap “Refer Friends”. You will be able to email your reference code to your friends OR share it via social media. When your friend opens your link, they will be directed to the “Join” page containing your Ref Code.

Please note:
Standard Bank Student Achiever members get a FREE Varsity Vibe membership. If you refer such a member, then you do not get a R40 referral fee. (ie if Varsity Vibe does not receive a R200 payment, we cannot pay a R40 commission/referral fee).
If you aren’t a full Varsity Vibe member yet, there are 3 options available:- You complete step 3 (pay) and become a full Varsity Vibe member, in which case we pay the cash into your bank account for all your successful referrals and every other person you successfully recruit thereafter; or
- We accumulate the R40 for each successful referral you make until you reach R200 (5 successful recruits) and you get an automatic VV membership. All referrals thereafter will be paid direct into your bank account; or
- If you have are a Standard Bank Student achiever and need to verify your Standard Bank Student achiever account please email support@varsityvibe.co.za saying “My Varsity Vibe account has been verified but I want to switch to a Standard Bank VV account” and we will sort you out asap.