How to use your referral code… 

Help your friends save & earn cash doing it!

Recruiting friends via the Varsity Vibe app

In the app, go to your profile and tap ‘Refer Friends’.

You will be able to email your reference code to your friends OR share it via Whatsapp, Messages, Mail or social media platforms.

When your friend opens your link, they will be directed to the “join” page containing your reference code

Recruiting friends in person

  Download the app on your friend’s device and hit “Join Now”.


Fill in YOUR referral code at the bottom. Once they have paid R200 for the Premium membership, then you earn R40!


NB: Standard Bank Student Achiever members get a FREE Varsity Vibe membership. If you refer such a member, then you do not get a R40 referral fee, (i.e. if Varsity Vibe does not receive a R200 payment, we cannot pay a R40 commission/referral fee)

What is a successful referral?

The referred person signs up using your code and pays R200 for their membership to become a Premium member = R40 to you.